For a healthy economic development it is important that education is tailored to the job market. Specific attention is given to embedding ‘entrepreneurial skills’ in the training programs provided by the ROC, College and University. Whether there are gaps in the cooperation between educational institutions and business and how the number of apprenticeships and traineeships can be increased is being looked into. We hold a regional placement market where businesses and education can meet. This provides coordination between quantity and quality.

Project leadership: ROC Leiden | Partners Involved: Universiteit Leiden, Hogeschool Leiden, Koepel Leidse regio | External partners: expert-leden van o.a. SKOL Bonaventura, Rabobank Leiden-Katwijk, Ons Platform, UWV, Holland Rijnland, LBSP en Rpa-rijn-gouwe.

Training for Future Jobs

This project is being set up by the ROC Leiden. Initially, it will focus on examining whether there are gaps in the cooperation between educational institutions and the private sector and at the same time look at the development of renewed initiatives through collaboration which have the purpose of increasing the number of study/work placements and internships.

This will specifically focus on the future. Employment changes and education must reflect this. Investment in the sectors Life Sciences & Health and the new theme Vitality has been chosen as the primary concern of the Economic Agenda. Corresponding education is crucial to these choices.

The second focus is on the education provided. How and whether entrepreneurship has a place in educational programs and how this could be improved is being looked into. The planned centre for innovation and entrepreneurship would be part of this development.