Stichting Economie071 offers a free service in support of business development for start-ups and entrepreneurs who are expanding in the region 071. Economie071 does this though its project “Encouraging Entrepreneurship and Facilitating Start-Ups’’. René de Jong, Director of Economie071: “As a region we want to have a greater attraction for entrepreneurs. Our desk focusses on entrepreneurs who are planning their (continued) growth potential and would willingly discuss this with other entrepreneurs. Consider entrepreneurs who wish to establish a BV (limited liability company) or who aspire to expand further. It is precisely these entrepreneurs who will make such a difference in our region in the coming years. They will provide expansion and employment opportunities and serve as an example to others. We want to help them get started.’’

For and by Entrepreneurs

Commissioned by Economie071, the expert advisors from 15 KM are currently providing the service at the desk. Bas Douma (partner/owner 15KM): “We are the sparring partner for entrepreneurial dilemmas in this exceptional service. For entrepreneurs and by entrepreneurs who are able to provide honest advice and in addition are able to liaise in the Leiden region on behalf of the (expanding) entrepreneur.”

Free Consultation

The Ondernemersloket071 (Entrepreneurs Desk 071) is intended for all (SME) entrepreneurs in the Leiden region. As part of the retail vision, shopkeepers are also welcome to come and discuss ideas during the free consultation.

The Ondernemersloket071 can be reached on T +31 (0)85 8 77 06 95 and via email: Please also read the experience of one entrepreneur: “The discussion with the Ondernemersloket gave me insight”.

Interview at UnityTV